Friday, January 2, 2015

10 EASY Steps to a $600 Party!

Steps to a $600 Party & $100 in Credit!

(plus other amazing rewards) 

VIP Pajama Party Style!

NOTE: ALL personal messages (PM #1, 2, 3 & 4) mentioned in these steps will be GIVEN to you as I coach you each step of the way. Super easy.

1. JOIN your event! Follow the link in your facebook message and rsvp asap so you don't forget. Anyone you invite will NOT be able to see the event until you rsvp JOIN.

2. Send out PERSONAL messages (PM #1) to 20 of your friends. IMPORTANT: NO group/mass messages (that's spam, ew). Takes just 10 minutes. Invite those who are MOST likely to come and place an order, those who either have never heard of Thirty-One but you think they would LOVE it, and those who already LOVE Thirty-One. This step is to get you your first 10 rsvp's BEFORE you invite the rest of your 50. That's right, you'll be inviting no more than 50 for that very special person VIP exclusive feel. 

3. INVITE every YES reply to your event ON your event page. Click the INVITE tab at the top right OR type their name in the INVITE box on the right sidebar.

4. Send PM #2. Send every YES reply PM #2 - but only AFTER you invite them in your event (they cannot see the event until you invite them on the event page). The SOONER you send this second message the better - keep it fresh in their mind so they rsvp JOIN right away. Follow the instructions in your message from me for a tip on a special message feature you can use to send this message to everyone in less than a couple minutes. 

5. Get 10 rsvp's who JOIN. Once you get 10 rsvp's 'going' to your event you can then INVITE the REST of your 50 friends on your event page.

6. Send PM#3 to all those you invited in step 5 above. Your main goal is to get 25 rsvp's who JOIN. This is the MAGIC number needed for you to have a great and successful party.

7. LOUD VOICE! Have a LOUD voice in your party by commenting with a WELCOME for every guest who rsvp's on the GIVEAWAY post (I will give you a copy/paste example). Also, COMMENT and LIKE every single post in your event. Chat it up with them like you would if you were face to face. 

8. SHARE your love of Thirty-One! Post pics of your Thirty-One products in use and tag them to suggest products they might find useful. 

9. REMIND them! Because we ALL can be forgetful with our crazy busy lives. PM #4 all guests the morning of your party. Takes just a few minutes.

10. HAVE FUN! Enjoy your party. It's time to Celebrate - Encourage - and Reward YOU!!


"Who can find a virtuous woman? She is worth far more than rubies." 

~ Proverbs 31:10

Welcome to your Thirty-One VIP page! Here you will find many helpful tips, topics, and special features just for you!! You will also get the chance to learn more about our team 'Rockin' Rubies' mission, values, and goals. 

What does a virtuous woman mean to you? When I read Proverbs 31 - the chapter 'Thirty-One Gifts' is named for, I feel a little bit overwhelmed by the 'virtuous woman's' traits and the picture that is painted of a seemingly 'perfect woman.' But, in fact, the virtuous woman isn't meant to discourage us - but ENCOURAGE us to build upon our strengths and grow in our weakness. 

How do we do this? TOGETHER! We can learn and grow together!! We seek to CELEBRATE, ENCOURAGE, and REWARD all women - in EVERY season of your life as we all continue to make our way on this crazy journey called womanhood!

So, let's build each other up! Who's with me???

"She is clothed in STRENGTH and DIGNITY and she LAUGHS at the days to come!" ~ Proverbs 31:25 

Want to be a VIP member and enter in a monthly GIVEAWAY plus get the skinny on specials, live auctions, exclusive deals, and other insider info? Request to JOIN my VIP page: